Sunday, 30 September 2012



Dear Ladies & Gents, how are you today? hope everything is going well as you wish.

Again, I would like to talk on collagen. I've been doing some researches just for you my lovely readers.

For your information:

Sugar damages collagen;
Less collagen means more wrinkles and sagging skin AND less supple skin. (High fructose corn syrup is even worse!);

Collagen is the support system for your skin. As you lose collagen, you lose that support and your skin changes. Results? Wrinkles, folds and sagging. (memang la tak boleh nak elak, tapi boleh dilambatkan)

Most people don’t like to see themselves age – after all, don’t we all stay 25 forever?

 In all its simplicity, collagen forms and then dies off in a continuing cycle. When we are younger, the cycle is robust so we have smooth firm skin. BUT, as we grow older, something happens and our collagen cycle changes its behavior.

Collagen is the basic building block so its loss impacts our skin all over our body. The skin layers also lose fat, so there is the double whammy of losing some of the fat layer and the basic support. Wrinkles and sagging are inevitable.

With age and environmental damage, collagen is lost, and as time goes on, the body's natural production decreases.

* The damage to the underlying structure of the skin reduces the skin's ability to maintain elasticity and retain moisture.

* Facial aging usually begins in your 20s when the firmness of your skin begins to decrease.

My dear readers, there are a lot of Collagen choices in the market. from the cheapest to the expensive one. You may also get it by way of injection, capsule, powder and etc.

Your are responsible to yourself. As time goes on, the body's natural production of Collagen decreases. BB Plus is the best and right choice for your skin and your general  health.

For those who serious in choosing the perfect collagen, you may get yours at only at RM180.00 (20 sachet).

Special discount will be given to those who start calling me or sms me at 012-2020887 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            012-2020887      end_of_the_skype_highlighting